Friday, August 23, 2013

music & the sea

I've had some more adventures in painting lately, and thought I'd share two. Both pieces were a mess when I found them, which meant they were crying out for a new life with a new finish!

First, this side table had a roughed up top and a weird decal paint thing of old flowers on a not-so-nice brown finish. To hide the top's flaws, I decoupaged vintage music sheets on top after I painted the whole thing white. I added a little stenciling to the corners for fun & finished with a matte finish wipe on poly.

This dresser was just a boring brown with broken & missing handles. I recently saw a photo of a nautical dresser redo, and was inspired! The main paint was a pretty aqua, but as I was working I decided I wanted to come up with a sea salt sprayed effect...

Sea Salt/Seaspray paint effect: I mixed a couple of tablespoons of white flat paint with about 3x as much water, making a very watery mixture. I brushed it on in random strokes, then immediately rubbed it off with an old rag. I experimented a little, and found I liked adding it heaviest around the edges, and also did a second time just in small spots to add a variegated effect.

I also drilled the holes for the handles to be larger. Then I threaded through 1/2" jute rope tying knots in front & back of the holes to create seaside inspired handles. It took 21" of rope per handle, in case you want to try this yourself sometime.
What do you think - does it remind you of the seaside?


  1. I love both of those pieces of furniture! The music on the top is brilliant and of course anything nautical gets my vote. :) Yes, the dresser reminds me of the seaside.


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