Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Self Portrait Challenge - Bathrooms

I must say I was excited at the SPC Challenge for September - Bathrooms!
I love my bathroom, because of all the work that went into it, and how it turned out just the way I wanted it. This was the biggest home improvement project we have undertaken.

Thanks to a poorly-installed-by-cheapskate-builder-shower-stall, we ended up with mold in our walls that crept into our closet & the carpet in there. I despised the adjoining tub because we never used it & I ended up vacuuming the dust out if it during weekly cleanings, while water from the shower leaked into it (and we found out during the renovation, water had been leaking underneath it as well) The window was clear, which creeped me out, with a second story neighbor window not far away, and the fog that collected on it had created a breeding ground for more mold & rust in the drywall. The whole room was white, yet somehow so dull. And the linoleum... let's just say it was less than a-peel-ing. The only thing I haven't done yet is paint the cabinets... someday soon, I hope!

Each week this month I'll show off something I love about my bathroom, and let me tell you, there are many things, so it will be hard to pick just four.

Furthermore, let me encourage you to take pride and find joy in the things you put much effort and thought into, to improve your life & living space.

Frosted glass window... sage green semi-gloss walls... no more tub below that window... smudgy mirror is just a sign that we use this room & love it...

To see more Self Portraits involving Bathrooms, Click HERE

1 comment:

YetAgainJen said...

Aw, look at you, cutie-pie!
