Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Self Portrait Challenge - { SOOC 4 }

Final week of Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC) over on Self Portrait Challenge...

spc - sooc week 4

I am obsessed with hanging my laundry outside. I know that may seem old-fashioned and archaic - modern technology allows us to tumble dry, right? But at what cost? In an attempt to save electricity, I bought a two-line retractable clothesline this past spring, and used it all summer to help cut the high electric costs that come with summer in Texas.

In the process, I discovered some things...

- Laundry hung outside smells amazing!

- Try washing everything on your bed, line-drying, and then remaking it right off the line... the fresh, outdoorsy scent will send you right into la-la land that night!!

- Being outside in the sunshine for a few minutes to hang and then fold really boosts my mood.

- I finish the job! I can't tell you how many times clothing sat in the dryer for days before I remembered it was there... stuff on the line gets my attention everytime I walk through the house and look out the window.

- small steps truly can make a difference...

1 comment:

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I feel the exact same about line dried laundry! I do it every summer.

The mood boost from sunshine is wonderful.