Saturday, October 18, 2008

wish I could have been there...

Two weeks ago, while I was moving stuff into Our New Place, painting the 6th room I had painted in 4 days, and catching a whiff of something skunky,

my cousin, Christa, was married!

I wanted so very, very much to be there - why, oh why, did our closing date end up coordinating perfectly to that week, to keep me from being there?

But if I couldn't be there, totally amazing photos are the next best thing.

Congratulations, Christa & Tommy!

The whole event looks amazing, even the rain... you can see the whole session on the photographer's blog, here.

And here's a beautiful shot of my grandmother & aunt...

Tommy & Christa had a fantastic photographer, Kimberly Jarman, whose style is right up my alley. Next time I'm in Arizona, I hope I can call her for a shoot with my family.

Thank you to Kimberly for allowing me to use her photos here.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Great write up on Christa! The photographer was amazing.