Thursday, November 5, 2009

Self Portrait Challenge - { ten }

November is the month of Thanksgiving here in the US. I am saddened that this holiday has been reduced to what some call "Turkey Day" with football... or just a segway into Christmas.

The men and women who came to this country suffered and struggled in those first few years just to survive, and nearly half of the 102 who started the Plymouth colony did not make it through. The first giving-thanks meal they celebrated was laden with awareness that God was the only reason they had made it this far.

This month I will be using the
Self Portrait Challenge's "tiny words" challenge to find small but meaningful things that I am thankful for - things I usually take for granted, but without which I would have a very different life.


An excellent book about the original history and meaning of Thanksgiving for adults and children is Barbara Rainey's Thanksgiving - A Time to Remember. We read this together every November. Just pulling it off the shelf this month has stirred my heart anew for this special time of year.

1 comment:

Audra said...

Thanks for the thoughts about Thanksgiving! It's my favorite holiday, I need that Barbara Rainey book!! It is overwhelming to think of the odds the pilgrims faced. Can't wait to see the rest of your self portraits this month.